On Wed, 2 Jul 1997 16:55:32 +1000 David M
<[log in to unmask]> said:

>I see... but why does it take so long to actually pass that on to a
>sendmail on the same machine?

*shrug* Ask the people who wrote sendmail...

>Does it actually waits for sendmail to
>deliver it to its destination?

No, it waits for sendmail to acknowledge the SMTP transaction.

>Like if I do a tail -f listserv.log (or
>run it from the console) it takes quite a while to process each "SMTP
>to..." line.

Note that the log is probably buffered.

>Also the go.user file has an entry called
>        #SMTP_HOSTNAME="myhostname"

This is to bypass sendmail configuration errors.
