On Wed, 16 Jul 1997 11:03:25 -0400 Debbie Kodora said:
>Ok. So I am convinced that auto-delete is working much better with the new
>release of version 1.8c. So how do you code your Validate keyword?   The
>manual says that for lists coded with Validate=All then the default for
>auto-delete = No.  Does this mean it won't work on Semi-Auto with

No, it just means that the <default> for Auto-Delete is "No" when Validate=All.
It doesn't mean you can't set Auto-Delete to whatever valid setting you want.

I believe the design philosophy here is that since all commands that cause
a change of state (including SUBSCRIBE) would require validation with
"Validate= All", it's sort of gilding the lily to assume that you also want
Auto-Delete enabled (since it's unlikely, or at least less likely, that
anyone would be able to subscribe from an address that would generate
bounces--otherwise the command confirmation request wouldn't be able to
get to them and they wouldn't be able to OK the command).
