I've searched the archives and didn't come up with much for an answer

     I'm having a problem with a user who cannot post to a list which is
     subscriber-posting only.  The error generated says:

     You  are  not   authorized  to  send  mail  to  the   xxxx-L  list
     from  your [log in to unmask] account. You might be
     authorized to send to the list  from another of  your accounts, or
     perhaps when using  another mail program which generates slightly
     different  addresses, but LISTSERV has no way to associate this other
     account or  address with yours. If you need assistance or if you  have
     any question regarding  the policy of the  xxxx-L list, please
     contact the list owners: [log in to unmask]

     The header for this users mail looks fine except that "Sender:" is
     "Sender: smith"
     What I think it should be is a valid subscribed email address like
     "Sender: [log in to unmask]"

     Would this cause LISTSERV to not recognize the user and therefore the
