Hi kids.

HWY61-L's gateway is back. :-)

Not sure which address at american.edu worked. (Or, maybe it was
the exchange on lstown-l that caught the eye of someone @american.edu?)

I'd sent mail to [log in to unmask] At Pete's suggestion
yesterday, I sent more mail to [log in to unmask]

So, one of those addresses works. If you gateway a list to usenet,
you'll want to know this, someday.

I sent variations on the following mail, which is how I got results.
Perhaps it will help others trying to contact anyone at American.edu
regarding gateway/listserv issues.

(still working on the Jim McIntosh Net Contribution Tribute Sig, so bear
with me please ... I'm going for that Clint Eastwood-esque affect ...)


>Hi people.
>Hope that someone at one of the addresses I'm sending this to will be
>able to help. I posted to lstown-l and Pete Weiss of Penn State suggested
>that I try these addresses.
>As you know, Jim McIntosh (hail and farewell Jim) used to "take care of"
>all of us _gatewayers_.
>My list, HWY61-L (run from [log in to unmask])
>has been having gateway problems.
>As of sometime Friday 6/27/97 or Saturday 6/28/97, messages posted to the
>list address ([log in to unmask]) are *not* going across the
>gateway to the newsgroup rec.music.dylan.
>Messages from the newsgroup to the list have slowed to a crawl, though
>they are still coming in to the list.
>Could you check into things please? When subscribers (and I) post, our
>posts are going to the list only, and are not being gated through to
>usenet's rec.music.dylan.
>I'd appreciate your help. If there's someone in particular to write
>to, it'd be great to have a name. If anyone at all can assist, that'd
>be wonderful. Thanks. :-)
>Maureen LeBlanc                Listowner: HWY61-L (The Bob Dylan Discussion)
>"when they ask you if you'd take a bullet for the gateway guy, you ask
>them, 'what??? Only one??!?!'" m.l.
>ps -thanks.