On    Thu,    28    Aug    1997    18:24:32    -0400    George    Buckner
<[log in to unmask]> said:

>>can a Sub-Sub be part of more than one Sub set?

I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.

>>and if it is, if a msg is  mailed to two Sub lists, does the subscriber
>>on the Sub-Sub lists receive one or two messages?

A message mailed to  two lists is the same as two  messages mailed to one
list  each  (and is  how  LISTSERV  receives it).  So,  two  copies if  I
understood the question correctly.

>I'd very much  like to know if a  list can be sub list to  more than one
>super list. I'd like to create  a sub list that distributes the combined
>dialog of its super lists.

That should work.
