Our listserv is being invaded by a guy who is subscribing
the list to dozens of commerical emails as a prank.
We know who he is and have tried getting law enforcement
on this.

One solution we have tried is to filter whole domains
at a time. However we are now at 10 lines of
Filter= and we wondered... in the NEW listserv
(full version) is there any way to increase the
whole filter to more than 10 lines?

Is this something to place in a wishlist for
future versions?   Also we wanted to filter out
something else. We went to http://www.liszt.com and
would love to filter out ALL of those. It seems that
a person with netscape can change their own email address
to that of the listserv and subscribe OUR list to other
lists and vice versa. That has become the problem lately.
Is the software programmer here? Is there any way
to deal with this globally from our headers? Is there
a way we can globally keep creeps like that
doing this again? To date he has done this 56 times and
our subscribers are getting VERY upset.

Thanks for any ideas. (Yes we HAVE filtered HIS real
email address out already but it does not help when he
changes his email address in netscape to our listserv
one and subscribes us to all this junk.)