At 01:19 PM 8/8/1997 -0400, you wrote:
>Visit for name removal information
>You can then add your email addresses (one at a time with no wildcard
>features whatsoever) and they say they will prevent any of their members
>(Agis customers only) from sending you spam.
>So, I would suggest that you list managers make sure you submit your
>list addresses to this stupid service to avoid the messages like the one
>this list received. I think its reprehensible that Agis feel they can
>sherk their responsibility this way, and IEMMC (who state that they are
>in business to provide SPAMmers a way to SPAM) think that entering each

I don't know about this outfit, but some places that SAY they'll delete
you, not only do NOT delete you, but also add the address, plus others, to
more mailing lists.  Basically, I don't believe in bothering with this,
since there's NO indication it works, or that much of anyone would accept
their delete list.  If YOU were a spammer, would you check your mailing
lists against this one?  I didn't think so.


Dan Lester
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In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus, 1534