Dear Colleagues -- I am the postmaster for (which is
also UCBCMSA.BITNET).  I have been receiving complaints about spam that
is being routed through our site.  I wonder if anyone out there knows of
steps we can take to prevent spam from being distributed through our

We are running LMail 1.2a/1.8a and IBM TCP/IP 2.3.  As far as I can tell,
and the last I've heard, neither of these products have features by which
one could block spamming.  Any insights?  Thanks in advance...    --dk

David Kalins
Postmaster for UCBCMSA
Central Computing Services
University of California, Berkeley           "What we don't know
Berkeley, CA 94720                            far outweighs what we do."
(510) 642-0514                                                   --Me