At 5:33 PM -0400 10/8/97, Maureen Leblanc wrote:

>It *may* mean post to rmd under your own name/normal address while
>also subscribed to hwy61-l from that address too, but ....
>Experience with masses of posts daily coming to me for review tell
>me that it means something else.

I don't know what it could mean.  But somehow, it doesn't seem that
sinister.  The downside for the subscriber is that their posts are delayed,
what is the possible upside?

Also Glenn Alperin wrote:

>I do not know what kind of setup Maureen has, but I do know that there are
>many list service providers who charge on a per subscriber basis.  Such a
>situation would quickly make the cost of running a list rather

Excellent point!  In fact, I use Lsoft, and this would be true for me as
well!  Although the cost would be pennies per subscriber per month. ($1.00
per 30 to 50 additional each month)


Lou Schwing                          La Crescenta Presbyterian Church:
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"In the heat of composition I find that I have inadvertently allowed myself
to assume the form of a large centipede"  (Signed) Toadpipe
     For his Abysmal Sublimity Under Secretary Screwtape, T.E., B.S., etc.