I understand what the error is but is there any way to get around this, to
make ListServ accept such messages? It's annoying to keep telling people
to take out all the headers refering to the list before forwarding or
replying to messages.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

The enclosed message, found in the LIST-L mailbox and shown under the spool
ID 0371 in the  system log, has been identified as  a possible delivery error
notice  for the  following reason:  "Sender:", "From:"  or "Reply-To:"  field
pointing to the list has been found in mail body.

------------------------ Message in error (52 lines) --------------------------

----++++--+-- Gabriel B. Burca ([log in to unmask]) -----++----+----
-+---++-+---++-- http://www.nd.edu/~gburca/ -++---+-+--+++--+---