> >I have been watching all the discussion on ways to prevent
> subscribers from
> >posting attachments to the list.  Why do you want to do that?  Are
> there
> >problems created by attachments.
> >
        The problem isn't who does get attachments, it's who does.

        Small attachments, like a signature card, are no problem (other
than being a nuisance to click on and open if you're curious). But a
large binary file can - or at least many, many people have complained
they can - freeze some computers, freeze their mail at the ISP until
someone there can delete all their mail and start fresh, and - so I've
been told be desperate people - sometimes mess things up so bad people
have to reinstall their mail program.

        This may be because of outdated mail programs or poorly
configured ISP's, but it still creates havoc (and a ton of mail to the
listowner that is typically not needed to have a good day).