Ben Parker wrote:

> Almost.  This will allow editors to post without further approval.  To force
> even editors to approve their own posts, you need Send= Editor,Hold,Confirm.

OK... that's kind of what I want except that I also want to be able to send
from the editor and over-ride the confirm somehow... with a password or

> The confirm mechanism (requiring an exchange of email msgs with the "OK") is the
> mechanism that ensures reliability of origin.

It seems that I am going to have to get fancy to do something that seems to
me to be simple.  Yes, the OK does a good job of ensuring reliability of
origin, but it *does* require a human interaction.  I was hoping to avoid
it getting stopped at a human.  Here is the application:

A privileged person accesses a special cgi script on our web site. The
final product of the cgi script is an e-mail sent out something like a news
release. I want to make the news release go right to the list, but I
recognize that someone could easily forge the "From:" line to that of the
Editor and send their own false messages to the list. The Confirm/OK will
stop that, yes. However, I would like to find a way to override the confirm
requirement with a password of some kind.

> This is a good description of what a Distribute Job is, however, you have to
> supply the list of addresses as part of the job, so it's not quite as easy as
> saying 'send to xxxx-L list'.  However, this also requires Postmaster (Site Mgr)
> privileges and is not usually open to normal list owners.

I am the site manager. This is not a problem.  Cannot I just include one
address (the address of the list) in the DD block?  Even so, will that
override the Confirm?

Here's an idea. What if I made the program create some kind of single job
that temporarily set the Confirm off for the list, distributed the message,
and then set the Confirm back on. Can I do all that in a sequential job


Mark Hunnibell
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