On Tue, 6 Jan 1998 08:53:06 -0500 Jim Ehrlich said:
>I am moving a list that has been in operation several years, with monthly
>archives, from Listproc 6.0c  to Listserv.  I would like to move the archive
>files too.
>It was suggested that I could repost the messages to the new list before adding
>subscribers, which would be a lot of work, especially since each message would
>have to be cut from the Listproc archive.

This is not necessary but read on.

>It looks as if I might use PUT <list> LOGnnnn to transfer an entire archive
>file, as long as I could get the format exactly right.  Reformatting would be
>easier for me to automate than cutting and resending thousands of messages.
>1) is the PUT...LOGnnnn startegy possible for transferring archives?

Yes, but note that ListProc archives are not compatible with LISTSERV, so
even if you PUT them with appropriate names, things like the web archive
interface and the SEARCH command will not work properly.

>2) if so, are there critical details.  Or (better yet)  does anyone have a
>script for automating the job?

Yes (as noted above) and yes.  There is a user-contributed ListProc->LISTSERV
archive converter script (in Perl) in


Please note that we (L-Soft) do not guarantee or warrant that this script
will be useful and we do not support it.  It's a "use at your own risk"
thing.  Please read ftp://ftp.lsoft.com/contrib/00-index.txt before

Once you've converted the archives all you should have to do is copy them
into the directory specified in "Notebook=" for the list in question.
