An old topic, but it's been bugging me--

On Sun, 21 Dec 1997, Mentor Cana asked:

> What happens if there is a Daily-Threshold= on a list and a subscriber who
> is under review exceeds the number?
> 1. The post does not go to the moderator. Subscriber is notified that he has
>    exceeded the number of postings for that day.
> 2. The moderator receives the message, approves it and then the subscriber is
>    notified that he has exceed the number of posting for that day.
> I would assume that the situation under 1. is correct. Hope I'm right. :)

I'm very curious-- is 1. correct?

 I have an edited list, and want to use the individual threshold.  But
people still send as many  messages to the editor as they wish (much to my
annoyance).  My header is set up as--

* Send= Editor,Hold,confirm
* Daily-Threshold= 100,10
* Editor= myaddress

But I've had subscribers (non-editors, non-owners), who are posting from
their exact subscriber address, submit more than 10 a day.
A LOT more. <sigh>
