On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 11:13:30 -0400 John Barr said:
>I'd just like to check my facts with the experts.
>Am I understanding the documentation corectly (p110-111) that daily is the
>default for digests and if you have an active list and want 2 digests/day
>that you must put in a SIZE= perameter?

I think I would say "more than one" rather than "two" since if you go over
the size parameter multiple times in a day, you'll get multiple digests.
But yes, this is the correct parameter (although it is defined as "Size(xxx)",
not "Size=xxx").

>If so, what is a good recommendation? 500 lines?

It is completely and totally dependent on the number of postings/day and how
long they are.  500 lines strikes me as short but I run lists with thousands
of lines a day.  If you currently average 1000 lines/day in your notelogs
then 500 may be a good number.  If you currently average 2000 lines/day
in your notelogs, then there will be more than two digests/day with this
setting.  It's definitely something that you will have to tune to your own
