>        I, too, do not like HTML-formatted mail and I think that it is rude to
>send messages like that to public lists and newsgroups.  Like those
>animated ASCII signatures that were popular about ten years ago, HTML mail
>looks clever and nifty the first ten times that you see it, IF you have the
>capability to view it, and after that it gets old very fast.  If you don't
>have the correct mail client, terminal type, browser plug-in, sound card,
>MMX processor, monitor, or cable modem, to receive the latest "enhancement"
>to email, such things get old IMMEDIATELY.

All this being said (and I also find emails containing html annoying), if
the members of a mailing list agree that it's OK to use it there's no
particular reason why they shouldn't.  I would probably mention that the
mailing list found html acceptable in the welcome message.  LISTSERV should
just treat the markup like ordinary text and send it through.
