|The user has his option set for non-digest mode.  The mailing list has
|handled about 35 messages during each of the past 4 days.  The only
|possible explanation that I can see is that, for some reason, perhaps
|his ISP returned multiple error messages for each undelivered mail message
|yesterday.  This seems so unlikely that I wonder if anyone can provide
|any other reason why the user was dropped so suddenly by the
|error monitoring system.
|And what do I tell this user if he asks why he was dropped?

Without having a "real" bounce, it is really ;-) hard to tell anything
definitive EXCEPT "mail is mail" -- LISTSERV(R) generates email, and
email being what it is, sometimes produces anomalous results.  LISTSERV
is NOT unique in its generation of email e.g., if it is happening to
LISTSERV-generated mail, no doubt it is happening elsewhere with
person-to-person email.

Many folks don't even know that they are having a problem, and claim that
they are receiving all of their mail (I've always been amazed at how they
know this); and in fact list-owners like you are the bearer of bad news,
sometimes getting "shot" in the process.

Here on LSTOWN-L, we all know the critical information infrastructure
that email constructs.  A breakdown in that system bears pursuit.
Sometimes we are successful in communicating with a cognizant
system/network administrator and feel fulfilled.  Sometimes not.

Please see the attached for some 3-year old postings to this forum.
