As my buddy Francoise has pointed out, I erred (or at least gave a false
impression) regarding the web-based posting.  LISTSERV requires some sort
of validation for any posting from the web interface, in order to prove
that you are you (otherwise, on lists with public archives and public
send, anyone could post through the interface claiming to be you).  So
there is always some sort of validation required when you post via the
web interface.  Paul, you could tell your users that if they use the
"save your password in a cookie" option, they won't ever have to login
to post, but you probably DON'T want to do this in a public cluster
situation since the cookie will stay on the machine after you leave...

Also note that under 1.8d if the list you are reading has non-public
archives and you've already logged in to read them, a further login
to post is not required unless the login cookie has timed out.
