Karen Strauss wrote about a particularly annoying subscriber to her lists
and then asked:

>Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
>Karen Strauss

Well, I suppose you could set your list header (at least temporarily, to
have a closed subscription, or at the very least, subscription by owner.
This would eliminate any future subscribers from becoming part of the list
without first discussing it with you.  If you do go this route, you will
probably want to add the Validate= keyword to your list header to verify
that you are the only person actively subscribing people to your list to
prevent any mail-forging of your e-mail address.

Also, you might want to look into sending off a private e-mail to all of
your subscribers describing the situation as you see it and making it
absolutely clear to them as to what you believe the conduct of your list
should be.  I recently send a message to every participant of my list with
the bCC protocol after a person who had managed to get himself in a rather
disagreeable position with many of the list members had decided to
unsubscribe to move on with other things in his life.  (He didn't decide
to move on because he realized how other people thouight of him, but he
had other things to commit his time to instead.)  In any event, after he
unsubscribed, and I sent this message out, I did get a few privayte e-mail
replies from some of the members of the list, and list mail began to pick
up again.

You could also use a short term draconian approach and stick every
subscriber on review until you clear this message up, with a message to
the list describing what you are doing.  It is my firm belief that the
more communication a list-owner has with their list in times of
difficulty, the better off the list atmosphere will be in the long run.

Anyway, just my two cents worth.
