On Thu, 14 May 1998 07:52:44 -0600 Sreekala Gopalapiillai said:
>I posted this message some time back but didn't get any reply. The problem
>here is one of the members in the list is complaining about having
>difficulty to open and display emails from the list. The reason, he says,
>is that the first word of the expanded name of the mailing list shows up as
>the senders name and the subject is also appended to it. Is this a problem
>on his side or on my side? I get a conformation everytime I send a message
>saying that your message has been distributed among the members. Is there a
>way I can rectify this problem on my end? I use 1.8b lsoft.

Probably a client problem on their side.  What client are they using?  Sounds
like cc:Mail or GroupWise or some other such, hmm, wonderful software :)
