Dear Listowners,

        I need some help to determine what direction I should go.  Yesterday I
posted this, but I have received no help or direction.  This is very unusual,
since this morning, now for the second day, the exact same number of
subscribers showed up on the monitor sheet and the errors increased over
yesterday from 3 to 6, with the exception of me, 4, below.

        I've sent a letter to the person in charge of the listserv at
but I am afraid, no one is around since it is the weekend.

        I'v received three postings from others on the list below, BUT, two postings
I've made, in the last 24 hours, hasn't appeared to the group.

        I am not sure what's going on, but it appears something has happened to
block off so many people.  I've never experienced this kind of problem.

        Your suggestions, any, would be helpful.

Dan Frezza, SFO
Listowner of Assisi-L

Date sent:                Sun, 10 May 1998 00:07:38 -0400
From:             "L-Soft list server at AMERICAN.EDU (1.8c)"
              <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:               ASSISI-L: Daily error monitoring report
To:               [log in to unmask]

The following 135 subscribers are currently being monitored:

Err First Last  Address
--- ----- ----- -------

  6 05/08 05/09 [log in to unmask]
                Last error: 550 <[log in to unmask]>... Relaying Denied

  4 05/08 05/09 [log in to unmask]
                Last error: 550 <[log in to unmask]>... Relaying Denied

Err=   Number of delivery errors received thus far
First= Date first delivery error was received (mm/dd)
Last=  Date of most current delivery error (mm/dd)

Subscribers will be automatically deleted from the list when delivery errors
have been  reported for a  period of  4 days or  more, or when  100 delivery
errors have  been received,  whichever occurs  first. Monitoring  will cease
after 5 days without any reported error.

Note: manually deleted subscribers may remain on the monitoring report under
an alias address. Such entries will expire eventually; you do not need to do
anything about them.