On Mon, 11 May 1998 14:14:09 -0800, you said:
> 554 Too many hops 13 (12 max):

Way too low.  Sendmail 8.8.8 defaults to 17, and locally I raise it to 30.

> Does anyone have any suggestions what I can do to resolve this
> problem? Yelling at my ISP to increase the allowed number of hops has
> done no good. Thanks in advance.

1) Double check that it's YOUR ISP's sendmail that's failing, and not the
receiving one at the far end.

2) If it is your ISP, find another one.  If they're this clueless, you don't
need the heartache, no matter how cheap their rates may be.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech