Ben Parker (and Lynn, indirectly) suggest DEFAULT-OPTIONS= REVIEW in-
stead of DEFAULT-OPTIONS= NOPOST .  Indeed, that is probably a better
mechanism.  Or maybe not.  Maybe new subscribers should just shut up and
listen for a little while.

But no one has addressed the problem of converting probationary
subscriptions to normal status AUTOMATICALLY after the probationary
period has expired.

Peter Rauch wrote privately suggesting an automatically-scheduled daily
job that does a QUERY listname FOR * and scans the results for
subscription dates, kicking off SET listname NOREVIEW commands as appro-
priate.  This comes closest to what I was looking for, but it still in-
volves setting up a WAKEUP or chron job (depending on platform).

Pete Weiss asked with respect to these hit-&-run posters, was the list
SUBSCRIBE= OPEN or OPEN,CONFIRM ?  It was the latter.