>A QUIET list owner at our site cannot ADD users without being asked to
>CONFIRM each add request. The list is Subscribe= By_Owner and Validate=NO.
>( When a co-worker tried this on a similarly-configured test list as a
>QUIET owner, he received no confirmation requests and the ADD requests
>were processed immediately). Needless to say, this can be a pain on large
>Any ideas why these conformation requests are being sent to him?

This doesn't answer your question, but until you figure out what's going
on, there's a command to add a group of subscribers at once.  It is:

   QUIET ADD listname DD=X IMPORT PW=your_password
   //X DD *

Since it's a single command only one confirmation is required no matter how
many people you add.

Incidentally, it's probably helpful in diagnosing your problem if you send
a copy of your mailing list's configuration here.
