This is a minor problem that has been bugging us for a while.  It's not
that often we have to deal with it.  When we delete a subscriber, most
often due to address changes by ISPs so that the subscriber can't unsub
themselves, the message goes out giving the listowner's name as the person
being deleted.  I can't seem to figure out what is wrong.  I got the
default mailtpl and that had the same codes.  Any assistance would be most

Den Collins
Corgi-L Adminstrator, etc.

This is the template part in question.

>>> DELETE1 Your removal from the &LISTNAME list
.re corgi-ad@&MYHOST

You &MBX(&WHOM) have been removed from the &LISTNAME list &TITLE by

Your removal from &LISTNAME is normally as a result of repeated delivery
error reports from your mail system. If you receive this message, it
means that something is wrong.

While you are obviously able to receive mail, your mail system has been
regularly reporting that your account did not exist, or that you were
otherwise permanently unable to receive mail. Here is some information
which may assist you or your local help desk in determining the cause of
the problem:

- The failing address is &ADDR.

- The first error was reported on &DATE1.

- Since then, a total of &ERR delivery errors have been received.

- The last reported error was: &MSG

PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE. While you can re-subscribe

This is what a subscriber sees when I delete:

You Den Collins <[log in to unmask]> have been removed from the
CORGI-L list Welsh Corgi Dog (Pembroke and Cardigan) List by .

Your removal from CORGI-L is normally as a result of repeated delivery
error reports from your mail system.  If you receive this message, it
means that something is wrong.

While you are obviously able to receive mail, your mail system has been
regularly reporting that your account did not exist, or that you were
otherwise permanently unable to receive mail. Here is some information
which may assist you or your local help desk in determining the cause of
the problem:

- The failing address is >>> Undefined variable "&ADDR" <<<.

- The first error was reported on >>> Undefined variable "&DATE1" <<<.

-  Since then,  a total  of >>>  Undefined variable  "&ERR" <<<
delivery errors have been received.

- The last reported error was: >>> Undefined variable "&MSG" <<<

PLEASE DO  NOT IGNORE  THIS MESSAGE.  While you  can re-subscribe  to