>Hi. Sorry for the interruption. I am trying to set up a mailing list with
two editors.
>* Send= Editor
>* Editor= [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]

With this setup, only the first editor listed will receive postings for
approval.  Either editor can post to the list, but only vcoon@... will be
sent messages for approval.

I think what you mean to be setting up is a moderated list, where:

* Send= Editor
* Editor= [log in to unmask]
* Moderator= [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]

This will cause postings to alternate between the two moderators for approval.
Alternately, you could specify:

* Send= Editor
* Editor= [log in to unmask]
* Moderator= ALL,[log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]

In this case, both moderators receive postings, and either can issue approval.

BTW, you might consider changing your "send" line to
* Send= Editor, Confirm

in order to keep unsavory individuals from spoofing an editor address and
posting to your list as an editor.  This would then require a confirmation
from the sending editor before posting the message.

Hope this helps.

--Liam Kelly