Ok,, Eric, Nathan, Ben, whoever, can I rely on someone from LSOFT
to support me when I ask Jim Gerland to reassemble the archives
where they should be in the Notebook= path because it it makes little
difference in the speed of the searching, web or otherwise?

ALL I want is to get the '91 - '96 archives searchable.  If speed
is not a concern I want the archives reassembled in the proper place,
and I don't care that there's a silly "web presence."  If speed, due
to the size of the archives, is a concern, ok, I'll try to get Jim
to set up a separate archive list for us;  after all, that IS what
my original posting was all about, asking critique of the details
of that scheme.

I KNOW that scheme will work, with perhaps some tweaking which is
what I was asking for.  If it makes no difference in search time
I would much rather put all the archives back where they belong.

Which is it?  The size of the archives makes no appreciable difference
for a properly constructed searched or it does.  If it makes no difference
will you tell Jim so If I ask you to?  If it does make a difference
would you look again at my original post and suggest improvements?
