I apologize if this isn't the place to post this but I noticed a rather annoying problem
with the web based list management tool in 1.8d beta of Listserv for NT.

I clicked on "get a new LISTSERV password first" link on the "Login Required" page, filled
in the email address and both fields for the password.  Much to my chagrin the
confirmation request for a list management password wasn't sent to the site owner email
address or even the list owner address - the confirmation was sent back to the email
address of the requestor.

Now while the this new user cannot manage the list (I'm assuming because the email address
isn't one of the listed owners) it does cause me a bit of concern because the person can
get to the list management form for managing subscribers, edit headers and templates,etc.

My $0.02.  Requests for passwords should be sent to either the list owner or the site
owner.  Also, if the person cannot manage the list then their request to login should be
denied at the login required page and not after they attempt to manage a list.
Mr. Erich L. Markert                 [log in to unmask]
USMA Webmaster                           TEL (914)938-6463
Directorate of Information Management    FAX (914)938-7308
United States Military Academy
West Point, NY 10996

"If you put three drops of poison into a 100 percent pure Java,
you get ... Windows. If you put a few drops of Java into Windows,
you still have Windows."
                -- Sun Microsystems CEO, Scott McNealy