On Sep 18,  9:24am, "J. Lyle" wrote:
} Subject: Deleting posts from the archives
} Is there a relatively easy way to delete individual posts from the
} archives? One of our subscribers accidentally misdirected something to the
} list yesterday, and she is quite agitated about it. It was part of a
} freelance assignment for which she signed some sort of oath of secrecy.
} (Well, it wasn't that dramatic, but she could be fired for this.) Thus she
} obviously would prefer not to have it available on the Web for anyone to
} see. We also had a subscriber accidentally send a .jpg to the list a while
} back--a .jpg of two naked women, no less. So we would also like to know
} how to delete posts in case something like that ever happens again!

Its fairly easy if you have a text editor that can handle a large ascii
text file.  NOT a word processor.  Kedit would be ideal.

Just GET the archive, edit it, and PUT it back.  If its the active
archive, it would be safest to HOLD the list first and FREE it when

Rich Greenberg    Work:  PM0RMG atsign WSPVM1.worldspan.com   +1 770-563-6656
N6LRT   Marietta, GA, USA   Play: richgr atsign netcom.com    +1 770-321-6507
Eastern time.    I speak for myself & my dogs only.        VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val(Chinook,CGC,TT),Red(Husky,(RIP)),Shasta(Husky,TT) Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue.  Adopt a homeless Husky.