Aaron Morris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>My question concerns the reposting of an edited copy.  If I edit the
>original and resubmit it, the posting then gets distributed to the list
>with me as the author and a subject header of "NO SUBJECT".  Is there a
>way a for moderator to edit and resubmit AND keep the original author and
>subject headers intact?

Yes. I do it many times a day with a program I wrote.

However, the repetition of the question prompted me to see if it can be
done with Eudora. It can:

Eudora has the feature of allowing the insertion of ExtraHeaders in
every message. Edit eudora.ini and add the line:

ExtraHeaders=Resent-From: you@yourISP\r\nResent-To: your_list@where_it_is

below the [Settings] line.

Now when you get a message for approval, use Eudora's "Redirect"
(or better, "Redirect-to" to avoid having to type in the list address).
You can then edit the message as desired and Eudora will not alter
the "From: ..." line.  When the message is sent to LISTSERV it will
be sent directly to the list without sending it back to you for a second
approval step, and it will appear to have come directly from the original

You obviously don't want these extra headers to be added except when you
are acting as list editor -- forgetting to turn them off would be an
excellent way to send personal mail to the list -- so you need a way to
turn the feature on and off. One way to do that is to copy the original
eudora.ini to mylist.ini, edit mylist.ini and insert the line above so
the file looks like:

ExtraHeaders=Resent-From: you@yourISP\r\nResent-To: your_list@where_it_is

Then make an icon for the list version of Eudora and set the properties
so Eudora uses mylist.ini instead of eudora.ini. Click on the shortcut
tab of the eudora properties and edit the line to the right of
"Target" to read:
C:\eudora\eudora.exe c:\eudora\mylist.ini
(alter the drive and path to suit your installation)

If you have multiple lists, you can make a Eudora icon for each
and mylist1.ini, mylist2.ini,... files with the appropriate
ExtraHeaders line for each.

Using alternate *.ini files is documented in Help, as is ExtraHeaders.

Hope this helps,
