We've been slowly working on Listowner Info Pages .. two new ones [of many
to come] are now up .. may need some spell checking and polishing ;-)

We tried to make these pages and instructions as easy to follow and
understand as possible .. there are already a number of complicated,
incomprehensible howto pages on the net.

Step by Step instructions on how to edit Archives ..

All of this was just done today on an active list's archives and  ..
via get Listname LogXXXX command and via the web interface .. worked
beautifully immediately after the edited log was PUT.

Cheat Sheet of the most frequently used Listowner and Subscriber commands.

Again, all of these commands were tested just today.

We are sure open to comments and suggestions ;-)))  If you find anything that
is just flat wrong [ie: doesn't work or has unintended or unwanted side affects]
.. or you can think of more to add, or better, more understandable language ..
Please email me, we are anxious to make all of these page useful to newbie
oldtimer listowners and alike.

  ...Cleo  [log in to unmask]