On 28 Sep 98 at 11:04, Pete Weiss wrote:
> Some broken email systems are not RFC compliant and generate bounces to
> the original email sender and not the MAIL FROM:<OWNER-listname@listhost>
>  (which then "maps" to the ERRORS-TO= listname definition keyword).
> What is the value of your * AUTO-DELETE= field ?

Pete, Thanks for the ideas.  I have not included the Auto-Delete keyword in my
lists header and I have the validate keyword set to * Validate= Yes,Confirm,Nopw.
I'm not really sure from the manual whether this would activate or inactivate
autodelete.  However I have certainly not had any warning from Listserv that
the "troublemakers" have been (or are about to be) unsubscribed.

Peter R

Dr Peter K Robinson
Department of Applied Biology
University of Central Lancashire
Preston,   PR1 2HE,   England
Tel +44 (0)1772 893911   Fax  +44 (0)1772 892929