> What?  I've edited archives more often than I would like and I've never
> needed two carriage returns, let alone three, for anything: my edited
> stuff goes in fine.

Hi Douglas .. Last time I tried to edit archives .. it took some time before they
were indexed properly via the web page browse/search .. and that was when
we were on 1.8c too ...

Since a fellow listowner took the time to test all this out, and found with 1.8d
beta the same problem happened [may be corrected after either PUT header
or listserv booting or both] ... we tried this way .. and found that the results are
immediate and we were able to search/browse the web archives without any

Don't know if it's all necessary .. just know it works ;-)))

> that this is correct. But in your example you have three carriage returns
> shown. I have no reason to believe three are needed.

Don, there were only two, but to make it clearer .. I've added comments to
show explicitly that there are two carriage returns there.

-- Cleo  [log in to unmask]
"But on the bloody morning after, one tin soldier rides away"