I am running Listesrv 1.8d beta.  But when I start up
listserv server, the starup email message I get
warning about temporary license expiration says
I'm running Version 1.8c in the "From:" field.

Note, Protocol errors I receive have the same 1.8c in
the "From:" field as well.

Why is that?

I originally installed 1.8c but upgraded to 1.8d beta.


Paul Franco

> From  Tue Sep 22 11:44:02 1998
> Date:         Tue, 22 Sep 1998 11:42:15 -0400
> From: "L-Soft list server at Periphonics Corporation (1.8c)"
>               <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:      Message ("Warning: your license (serial number PERI-5T)...")
> To: Paul Franco <[log in to unmask]>
> Warning: your license (serial number PERI-5T) expires in 23 days. You may
> want to start the process of ordering a license extension or renewal from
> L-Soft.  L-Soft  sales <[log in to unmask]>  will  be  glad to  provide  any
> assistance or information you may need. You  can also call us at +1 (301)
> 731-0440 (or 1-800-399-5449 from the US or Canada).