> >One thing that would benefit both the email and web interfaces that as
> >far as I know L-Soft isn't planning is a way to feed LISTSERV
> >information about the equivalence of email addresses.
> This feature has been available in the 1.8d beta since approx Feb 1998.
> (and no we do not yet have a final release date for 1.8d but the latest 09/98
> build includes a lot of new things.)
> From the forthcoming 1.8d Release Notes:
> LISTSERV 1.8d introduces support for a centralized list (called ALIASES NAMES)
> of synonymous Internet hostnames. The main purpose is to address problems with
> ISPs where the "From:" line is rewritten from (say) "[log in to unmask]", which is
> what Joe wanted, to "[log in to unmask]", "[log in to unmask]",
> "[log in to unmask]" and so forth, where "alpha", "beta" and so on are known
> machine names (with the understanding that they may add machines from time to
> time) and "joe" is the same in all cases. In this way it is possible for
> LISTSERV to match [log in to unmask] with his actual subscribed address of
> [log in to unmask] or any of the other cluster hosts in his domain.
> This can also handle a situation where an ISP changed name and for instance
> "[log in to unmask]" is rewritten to "[log in to unmask]". However this does not
> handle "[log in to unmask]" -> "[log in to unmask]" and the like.

Yes, and that last situation is the one that we have.  We need to be able
to tell LISTSERV that [log in to unmask] is the same as [log in to unmask]
This cannot be done through a simple mapping of host names.