>Cool Briton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Two of my list members have admitted that they know how to fake the addy of
>>another person and have used it to unsub ppl from my list. one has only
>>used it to get rid of jerks who cant work out how to unsub for themselves,
>>but the other has admitted to removing someone she dislikes against his
>>wishes.  is there a confirm or other technique which will prevent ppl from
>>doing this?
[. . .]
>try this in your list header:
>Subscribe= Open,Confirm
>anyone can still subscribe, but they'll have to confirm by
>replying "ok" to a confirmation message from listserv when
>subscribing or unsubscribing.

I believe this is partially incorrect.  * Subscribe= Open, Confirm requires
confirmation of subscription requests, but I don't think it requires
confirmation of unsubscription requests.  I'm feeling too lazy to test this
right now, but when you're setting up your mailing list you may wish to do
some testing to make sure that the result is what you want.
