Dear Listowner Folks,

Since "upgrading" to Eudora 4.1, I'm intermittently losing communication
with the three LISTSERV (L-Soft) hosts for my mailing lists.

[I'm also dissatisfied with the Eudora 4.1 filter report -- it should have
a setting to *accumulate* for 1 to 100 hours, for instance.]

I believe that messages I have queued while off line are being sent with a
faulty message ID, causing LISTSERV to dump them. Messages sent while I'm
online appear to work fine. All three of the LISTSERV hosts I'm using
appear to have this problem with mail coming from Eudora 4.1. Here is a
message one of the LISTSERV managers is now distributing when my messages
are found in the bit bucket:

(Begin Eudora Double Message ID FAQ)

Your mail was rejected because it had a duplicated "Message-Id:".

10/07/98: An increasing amount of mail directed to Listserv lately has
been rejected as invalid because the header contains a duplicated
"Message-Id:" field.  It appears that most of the mail exhibiting this
specific problem originates from subscribers using recent versions of
Eudora, the example triggering this FAQ being "Pro Version".

Currently I'm not aware of the cause or the workaround, but I've heard
some speculation that this might be due to a bug in Eudora.

                                        -Kary (SJU Listmaster)

(End Eudora Double Message ID FAQ)

Anyone hear of a fix yet?

Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]> 512/442-8963
Discussion list owner:
     Allergy - Arthritis - PCHealth - Rubber - Thyroid
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