
Those "specially formatted" messages often cause problems with out list owners
here as well.... do you get back some sort of message about it not being
successfully added??.... any error messages at all?

also the whole shebang should show up in the listserv.log so you may need to
contact your list administrator to get them to check out what's actually
happening..... to see if it is even hitting listserv at all... this may be a
good idea especially if you dont receive any acknowledgements about mail sent
to either the listserver or the list... you may also find that your e-mail
address entered in the header of the list is wrong and needs to be modified....
(we get this on a regular basis with cc:Mail users)... again your list
administrator needs to check the listserv.log to see what address you are
coming in under and comparing it to your list header address.....

another are to look at is that it  could also be a problem with your mailer....
if you dont have the options set to the correct pophost/mailhost (whatever)....
your mails simply wont go anywhere anyway... although most mailers now give you
an error message if those particular settings are wrong ........ you should
also get rid of signatures for any mail addressed to listserv itself.... just
fills up the listserv.log with lots of Unknown Command  messages...  (sorry...
my pet peeve at the moment is signatures... )

I have found that for auto-add you need to delete out everything from the body
of the message apart from the actual SUBSCRIBE line.... get rid of anything
else and then send it in with your password in the PW= section and you should
be fine.... otherwise it tends to spit the dummy at you and treat every line
start as a separate command that it doesnt recognise...

Hope any or all of the above helps...


The message I get when someone wants to join our list (it's moderated,
they need owner permission) indicates that the message has been
"specially formatted" to allow me to simply add the password, and then
forward the message to the listserv to "auto-add" the party.  I'm just
getting the list started, but so far I've not been able to simply
forward the post--when I do nothing happens.  I'm using Communicator


Bret D