> To: Recipients of I-ADVERTISING digests
>           <[log in to unmask]>
> Topics of the day:
>   4. Sick to death
>   5. Sick To Death

Notice that Listserv considers those topics different even though the
only distinction is case.

Also, many years ago I was with another ISP that wrote its own
listmanagement software. It was kind of a dream come true, because
any feature the listmanagers wanted we got. A useful one was
enumerating subject tags:

        [Lstown-L 2179]
        [Lstown-L 2179]
        [Lstown-L 2181]

(Use whatever separator you want. : and / are bad ideas because they
are reserved characters on various systems.)

After we worked the bugs out-- e.g., a digest got its own number,
whatever number was next up, which made reflector subscribers think
they missed a message-- the feature was very useful, because gave
subscribers tangible evidence of the progress of a mailing list.

So I dunno. Could be a nice feature. (BTW, that other list software
later became the property of Netcom Canada when the ISP went tits-up.
I am sure they are not even slightly interested in it. Perhaps the
code could be bought for a reasonable sum.)

                                        Joe Clark
                                   [log in to unmask]