A seemingly brute-force option for entering large numbers of
subscribers is to use a text editor like BBEdit to search-and-replace
an existing database. I recently moved two majordomo lists to
Listserv, and I simply changed every [Return] character in the
majordomo file to something like

[List] Subscriber[Return]quiet add [list]

which would turn something like

[log in to unmask] [Return]
[log in to unmask] [Return]
[log in to unmask] [Return]


quiet add  [list] [log in to unmask] [List] Subscriber [Return]
quiet add  [list] [log in to unmask]  [List] Subscriber [Return]
quiet add  [list] [log in to unmask]  [List] Subscriber [Return]

Now, the advantage to doing this is that subscribers previously on
digest can stay that way: Do the same manipulation to all your
[list]-digest subscribers (majordomo considers [list] and
[list]-digest separate, if you can believe that), then do another
search-n-replace to send commands like

quiet set [list] digest for [log in to unmask] [Return]
quiet set [list] digest for [log in to unmask] [Return]
quiet set [list] digest for [log in to unmask] [Return]

I just wish I'd known of the * operator to skip the person's actual
name. No matter: I've instructed subscribers to REGISTER their own
names, and those who don't bother probably don't give a damn.

It worked just fine for the two lists. One thing to look out for: You
as listmanagerboy or -girl may be subscribed to [list] and
[list]-digest both. Make sure you don't inadvertently set yourself to
digest in the last step.

                                        Joe Clark
                                   [log in to unmask]