As many of you may know, there recently has been serious email problems with
all addresses subscribed to email lists.  Briefly, there were 2
problems.  One was misdirected mail, where a user received mail in
their mailbox from several or many other lists to which they were not
subscribed.  The second and related problem was that the user may have
received multiple copies of some of these same messages.

I received word last night from that they had resolved the
problem.  After testing overnight I can confirm that this appears to be so.
There may still be some residual misdirected mail your hotmail mailbox, but no
new problem messages are cropping up.

Based on our previous recommendations, it now appears safe to use your address to administer your list.  However, we suggest you change
your personal LISTSERV password just to be safe.

  To change your password, send the command   PW RESET
  LISTSERV will ask you to confirm this
  To make a new password, send the command    PW ADD ?????????
    (where ???????? is your new password)
  LISTSERV will ask you to confirm this

Secondly, if you have a list which discusses sensitive and private issues and
you had used the suggested command to 'disable' your hotmail subscribers, you
can now restore them with the command:


This command should work for all versions of LISTSERV(R).

We appreciate the 'behind-the-scenes' cooperation of several people in
identifying the problem and bringing a prompt resolution.
 Ben Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-Soft international Inc.
 [log in to unmask]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support Engineer