"Gerald England" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> From: rex <[log in to unmask]>
>> I'd settle for bouncing anything over a
>> 10/1 quote/message ratio. The ratio should, of course, be settable
>> by the list-owner.
>Yet one more thing for the list-owner to set.
>The problem with this seems to me that new list-owners
>wouldn't know how to set it and until their list had been running some time
>wouldn't have an idea of what was needed.

The default could be as it is now, no filtering based on the
quote/message ratio.

>In such cases it is essential probably to quote a whole paragraph in order
>to make a one or two sentence comment.
>So the ratio of quoted/unquoted would be over 50%
>but appropriate.

OK, set the ratio at 4 (say). If the quote were less than 4X the
original material the post would go through. Some list-owners
might set a higher ratio, others might set it as low as 1 or
even .5 (equal quotes and new material).

>> My other wish, a filter to bounce messages that contain the
>> bottom banner, would catch most of these types, because they
>> don't trim *anything*.
>Now this would be much easier to implement
>(Some majordomo lists already have this facility!)

Yes, they do. I really don't understand why LISTSERV does not
have this capability. It would catch the large majority of
overquoters and does not depend on a particular quoting style as
the ratio method does. Again, the default could be to ignore
the bottom banner in a incoming message so there is no additional
setup for a new list-owner. Once they learn the ropes they might
choose to turn this feature on.
