>         I doubt there are that many on computers that cannot run at least
>         Windows
> 3.1, though I admit I don't have statistics at hand to back up my

I don't want to beat this thread to death eith, and have to admit to being very pro-
accessability at some point -) .. BUT:

It depends on what you call "that many" .. I just checked the last 150 of today's hits
to the listowner home page and 2 were made by lynx browsers.

I checked all of today's hits on the Post-Polio Syndrome pages quickly and counted
7 before I quit.

I want those people to be able to join the lists I own and I will not exclude them from
being able to use those lists.

>         My advertising coordinator is site-impaired, and uses special
>         software to
> enlarge the content of the screen -- paid for by selling bottom banners on

Fortunately, she's not blind, and she can aford the software, both computer ability
and pocketbook. ;-)  I'm happy for her. I have sight impaired friends who use free
programs to make the text bigger.. which is what they have to have to read the posts,
which is why they joined the lists.

If you html those posts. they won't see them. :(

  ...Cleo  [log in to unmask]