Message from Stephen C. Nill, J.D. [16:14 99-02-02 ]:

>        I'm going to really alarm some of you with this:  Not only do we
>permit if
>not encourage HTML, but my organization regularly sends out web pages by
>using the Netscape send feature.

As far as I am concerned - whenever I get a HTML-ized
mail I simply delete it without reading.


1. HTML does not carry any relevant information.

2. HTML wastes bandwidth by sending the same
   superfluous information to many recipients.

3. It's possible to put ANY text on the Web, with
   various fonts, colours, pictures, sounds and,
   sooner or later, smells :-)
   Then the author may send a short ASCII message
   to tell the recipients about it.

4. There is something like Web Forums (a variant of
   BBS) where anybody can put large files.

Kind regards