> I have to say that I agree with the original poster.  The technology is
> there, and I for one make use of it.  The whole point is to communicate

I'm glad you Can Chris, but I agree with Paul.. on all except the M-Gen stuff since
that hits kinda close to home ;-)))  I find more old codgers wanting htmled and
prettied stuff than M-Gen folks.. ?

> fonts long before TV was ever invented.  It's just using the most
> effective means to communicate.

Only if you can see it.. and again, back to what Paul wrote.. it is dumbing down if
you have to resort to colors and graphics instead of using words to make your point I

One of the glories of email lists vs the web is that they are, or I think should be,
accessable to all.  HTMLing messages negates that.

Possibly the ideal would be to have HTML and NOHTML as part of default-options
that can be set .. if that's possible.. then every subscriber can recieve lists as they
want to or have to.

> Bandwidth will become cheaper.  Disk space/CPU/memory already is cheaper.

I've heard this pushed on the web.. if you can't do xxxxx GET A NEW BROWSER..
well, some just can't... and some can, but can't use 'em [the blind and those with
other handicaps].

  ...Cleo  [log in to unmask]