The only other thing I know of that hasn't been mentioned is the
allowance for the handicapped.  The simpler the better.  HTML
and graphics tend to screw up the equipment that translates the
text to their computers.

The Bobby award used to be at  but they have
moved.  I'll try to find it this week.  If I do I'll post it for those
who may be interested.


RSDNet List Administration wrote:

> At 02:01 PM 2/2/99 -0800, Stephen C. Nill, J.D. wrote:
> >I'll repeat this:
> >Netscape and Internet Explorer are free.  That means substantially all
> >persons with the desire can obtain a state-of-the-art email client without
> >charge.
> But even as you repeat yourself, you are missing the point. Not everybody
> who connects to the Internet does so from a machine that can run this
> software. No matter how hard you insist that this software is free that
> does not change the requirements necessary to run it. (Assuming that the
> desire exists, a big if) Desire is only one part of the equation. I desire
> top of the line Sun workstations and a cure for lupus right this second but
> that does not mean that I can have them. The former I cannot afford and the
> later is a great many years away.
> So even though I might desire this email client sofware and even though I
> am able to download it for free from my DOS machine dialed up to
> shell-based Unix account, I won't be able to run it after spending eight
> hours downloading it.
> And that's assuming I even want to run it. Most email is basically a text
> communication. Color and sounds and having my text in 24 point Adobe
> Garamond is not going to change the opinions expressed in this email,
> though writing the opinion in that format will take more of my time, and
> will add time on to the transaction for many of the people who will
> ultimately receive this message.
> Karen Strauss
> Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Network
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