
Reading LSTSRV-L logs


I gather that sf90m is a utility to summarize sendmail logs.

Now, how do I use it?

listserv@grunt(185)% ./sf90m
Missing argument.
listserv@grunt(186)% ./sf90m foo
Error opening 'acc_0.dat'.

I did a "touch acc_0.dat" and now sf90m is executing with no errors, but
is giving no useful data either.

listserv@grunt(198)% ./sf90m ~/files/listserv.log
Processed   10000 records...
Processed   13430 records...

Total: 0 deliveries
listserv@grunt(199)% ./sf90m /var/log/syslog
Processed       0 records...

Total: 0 deliveries

stserv@grunt(201)% ls -l acc_0.dat
-rw-rw-r--   1 listserv listserv       0 Mar  1 12:35 acc_0.dat

I did a "touch acc_0.dat" and now sf90m is executing with no errors, but
is giving no useful data either.  So how do you use it?  I find nothing in
any of the L-Soft manuals about this.

Tim Ramsey / Sr. UNIX Admin         [log in to unmask]    (work)
Enterprise Server Technologies      [log in to unmask]  (personal)
Computing and Network Services      (785) 532-3742 (office)
Kansas State University