> state that lets large numbers of users send out subscriptions with the
> cursed "Reply-to: <@site.com>" error and the site jocks have to deal with

Paul, I'm confused.. is there something in these programs themselves that is
screwey?  My impression has been that listserv ignores an email's REPLYTO in
commands and posts.. and only looks to FROM:

I use FreeAgent now and then to send both listowner commands and subscriber
commands/posts .. I have to change from [log in to unmask] [anti spam for
usenet posts] to [log in to unmask] in the FROM: configuration, but have never
changed the REPLYTO configuration from teh anti-spam address to the real one and
as far as I know, never created a bounce doing that???

Are you getting bounces that we don't see? or is it certain email programs that have
other problems tied in to replyto?

  ...Cleo  [log in to unmask]