At 08:53 05/28/1999 Friday -0400, you wrote:
|> Because firstname lastname are vacant fields, can a subscriber insert
|> anything in here...such as an ID numbers?
|Yes. I think the only requirement is one character, a space, and at least one
|more character. You can experiment with this yourself.
End Reply

Remembering that LISTSERV "saves" this info and may generate it on
postings or when subscribing to other lists at the same hostname.  E.g.,
at one time another list-owner ADDed me to one of his lists with some
funky "firstname lastname, etc" which showed up in the strangest of
places on some mails that LISTSERV would generate -- as I recall, on
administrative messages.

Using two  asteriskes, separated by a spce for the name will allow the
subscription to complete.