On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Rich Greenberg wrote:

> On Jul 20,  2:14pm, Russ Hunt wrote:
> } Subject: Re: SIGNOFF and Confirmation
> } Perhaps someone could suggest why anyone would want to require
> } confirmation in the case of signoff? (Not a rhetorical question: I'm
> } trying to imagine the circumstances.)
> User_A dislikes User_B, so goes to the web site and says he is User_B or
> forges mail to the listserv porporting to be User_B and sends an unsub
> command.

        But aren't all non password protected actions through the web
confirmed anyways?  Sure, if the person gets the password for the
subscriber, then you can have a problem, mind you, you'd have to do a
``no-password'' on the validate also.  Trust me it is VERY annoying to
have to confirm an unsubscribe.  Particularly if you are unsubscribing,
and leaving for a while, and then you get back to find your mailbox full
of mail you thought would stop with the unsubscribe request...


Jessica Rasku, Box 270, Rossland, B.C., V0G 1Y0, (250) 362-5701,
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